Canaan Valley Resort, West Virginia

Trip Date: 
Sunday, January 15, 2017 to Thursday, January 19, 2017
Trip Leaders: 
Valerie Lyons
Trip Status: 
Contact Us

Fun, small group (5-10) outing to a great State Park Lodge in West Virginia. Carpool leaving either Sunday, Jan. 15th or Monday, Jan. 16th (Martin Luther King Weekend). Plenty of Lodge rooms are available at Canaan Valley starting Monday night, but if you choose to leave Sunday and stay at Alpine Lake Resort so we can have a full day of skiing on Monday, act fast and contact me before December 30th to secure your spot - only 2 deluxe double rooms were left. You pay at the hotel. Alpine Lakes - $70/rm and Canaan Valley Resort Lodge - $100/rm single occupancy rate. Downhill lift tickets are only $25/day and there is no charge for cross country trail use. Rental equipment is available for both types of skiing! Please let me know by Dec. 30th if you are coming and I can make more defined plans for car pooling once I know who is coming!

Contact: NordicVP

Lewis Ski Club Membership is Required.  Please see the Membership Page for more information.