NASA GRC Fitness Center will be hosting a winter health fair. The event will include local vendors to educate you on all the aspects of wellness from health, fitness to lifestyle choices in the winter months. This includes of course downhill skiing, cross country skiing, and snowshoeing. Our club will make a presence at the health fair, in addition to representatives from local Ski Resorts.
If you are an on-site employee at NASA, please support the club at the event. We need volunteers to talk with people about winter snow activities and what our club is all about. Although the event does run from 9am to 3pm, we would like to make sure we have people at our display around the lunch-time hours. Please sign up online so we know what times are covered.
NASA POC: Bianca Gatto
Location: NASA GRC Cafeteria, Upper Level.
Refer to the Today At Glenn Notices for general information on the Health Fair