CMSC play day at Presque Isle State Park
Presque Isle State Park is in Erie, PA and is a peninsula that extends into Lake Erie and offers boating, jet skiing, kayaking, biking, hiking, blading, windsurfing, swimming and lots of fun.
See details at
What: spend a day at the park doing all your favorite things meet at the beach with all the kites for a picnic at 5:00 PM. We will bring grills
Toys for the park (kites, bikes, roller blades, jet skis, windsurfers, swim suit, beach chair, suntan lotion & life jacket.
Your meat/veggie burger for picnic, beverages, cooler for the day, coozies, paper plates, a dish to share at the picnic (salad, dessert, fruit, veggies,...)
Cost: $ 0.00 -- Yes, this is free!
Park is free, “pay as you go” event.
Sign up: No signup is required.
This is a CMSC event, and is being organized by a CMSC member club specifically for CMSC.
Camping and hotels are close if you want to make it a full weekend!