Fall Bike Ride

Sat, Oct 29, 2011 - 12:30 pm

Saturday, October 29th – Fall Bike Ride at Cuyahoga Valley National Park!.

We will ride the train to Indigo Lake, approximately 1 hour south of The Rockside train station. We will stop in Penninsula for lunch and return to Rockside Station by bike or train. It is an approximately 10 mile bike ride.

Meet in front of the train bike car at 12:30 PM. Buy your $3.00 ticket at the station before you load your bike on the bike car.

Free parking is available at the Rockside Station for the Cuyahoga Valley Railroad, located behind Lockkeeper's restaurant, north of the intersection of Rockside Road and Canal Road in Independence, OH. Helmets are required and padded seats are recommended. Thin layers of mocrofibre clothing depending on the temperature work best for a long, comfortable ride. Bring a full 1L water bottle to keep hydrated.

Contact Allen Porter