15th Annual Bike Brew Tour

Sat, Jun 19, 2021 - 3:15 pm

LEWIS SKI CLUB’S FIFTEENTH ANNUAL BIKE/BREW TOUR Join us on Saturday, June 19th at 3:30 PM at Cornerstone In Berea. Continue the tradition by participating in the fifteenth annual ride. Cornerstone Brewery is located at 58 Front Street. Meet at in the parking lot AROUND 3:15 PM. The entrance is off of Church Street. We will ride the Parkway as well as the Lake to Lake trail. We plan to stop at one or two establishments then we will ride  back to Cornerstone Brewery where we will conclude with dinner and/or beer. We may still have to be a little flexible because restaurants are still dealing with challenges but just like last year we’ll have a great time. Contact Jan Neumann (Nordic Officer) for more information.