Laurel Highlands 2014

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Trip Date: 
Friday, February 21, 2014 to Sunday, February 23, 2014
Trip Leaders: 
Linda Elonen-Wright



Join the Lewis Ski Club for a Weekend Trip to this spacious lodge located in the beautiful Laurel Highlands. It’s the perfect trip for cross country and downhill skiers and even those who don’t do either as it’s located close to all kinds of cross country trails, Seven Springs, Hidden Valley and many other attractions.  You can find more information about the Laurel Highlands at their website at

The lodge holds a maximum of 14. Bedding preferences will be honored on a first come/first serve basis. Cost is $100 per person. This includes the lodging, breakfast each morning, Friday night welcome reception, and Saturday night dinner. You are on your own for lift tickets, trail fees and transportation. Bring your own bedding. For more information on the lodge and what it includes, see their website at:

Trip Leader Contact:

2014 Laurel Hills Trip Report

The weekend trip to the beautiful Laurel Hill State Parks was – wonderful.  While only 6 people made the trip, it turns out that we all cross-country skied or went snowshoeing, so we stayed together and had fun!  The weird warm weather made the travel there easy – clear and dry roads.
Despite the rain earlier in the week, the Laurel highlands retained most of their snow and we had plenty to ski on.  As an added bonus and for some reason that I never understood, on Saturday, with our trail fee, we got a free lunch!  No such luck (for lunch) on Sunday.  That day we skied some of their back country trails -- the “highlight” of which was the 1 kilometer long climb back up to the top of the ridge.  No joke.  Not always steep (although parts were), but always UP.  Did I mention that it was 1K long?  Ugh!  We made it and upon our return to the lodge, we devoured our lunch that consisted of the leftovers we had brought with us from our previous meals that weekend.  After that workout, it tasted mighty fine.
We conscripted an innocent by-stander into taking our picture!
2014 Laurel Hills Group
Standing in front of the Laurel Ridge XC Ski Center is (L to R): trip leader Linda Elonen-Wright, Dave Heller, Martha Wright, Chris Holly Starling, Luis Fernandez, and Barbara Feldmar.
Thanks to the wonderful ski club members who joined me on this adventure, Luis Fernandez and Barbara Feldmar.  And, a warm welcome new club members: Martha Wright, Chris Holly Starling, and Dave Heller.  You’re a great addition to the ski club.
Your trip leader, Linda Elonen-Wright

Lewis Ski Club Membership is Required.  Please see the Membership Page for more information.