Club Board Meeting: discuss winter day-bus trip overall show a slight positive cash flow with trips 1&2 and 3&4 negative cash. Board voted to cancel 3/2 trip as only 7 reservations were made as of 2/20 and expected warmer weather next week. Alpine VP, Kim, will cancel the bus reservation for 3/2 trip. There might be a $100 penalty.
Trustee Cheryl Bowman will chair the Constitution/Bylaws/trip Guidebook review committee, Mark Manthey & Jan Neuman have volunteered to participate in the committee. This review committee should consider the following items: day-bus trip cancellation policy (deadline, number of reservations); day-bus trip having 1 or 2 volunteer trip leaders; club presidency being a NASA employee; procedure about extra person found during trip. This committee will present the amendments to club members 30 days ahead of the vote.
New Candidates will be needed for the following positions: Activity chair, Cross-Country chair, and Publicist. Trustee Cheryl is willing to serve another 3-year term after her current term concludes. Joe Roach & Jan Neuman expressed interest to chair the cross-country ski. Bruce Frankenfield will nominate candidates for these positions.